On this day, the following caught my eye.

A great... no, wait... GENIUS composer of electronic music. When I discovered these works, he was virtually unknown. Now, a quick search on YouTube - and he's no longer obscure. He's known for the electronic genre and city-wide concerts - though, it appears the concerts (at least to my knowledge) have become less frequent. (Would of loved to have attended "The 12 Dreams of The Sun" outdoor concert which herald in the year 2000. - sigh...)
This past weekend, I came across an old CD "Oxygene 8" which was a set of mixes showcasing a track for the then upcoming "Oxygene 7-13". Made some time and re-mixed the CD into one track.
Next step is to come up with appropriate visuals in terms of video so as to coincide with the mix. Soon, I shall share this with others hoping to add to the growing collection of Jarre related videos on YouTube.
Stay tuned!
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