Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Goat: Randomness

I'll attempt to keep these type of entries as infrequent as possible as they're "fillers" for when my mind draws a blank.

What I get for gloating

I had to go ahead and tempt fate, didn't I? I was braggin' to my mom last night about how I hadn't been ill in about a year. What happens? I wake up with signs of a cold coming on. I am feeling better though, so, either my immune system is kickin some butt, or fate just smirked and offered a small reminder.

Yearn to learn

Been caught up with getting our stations streaming. It's interesting, and yet another chapter of learning new stuff which is probably the smart thing to do with the economy going weird.

There were over 2.8 million people that lost their job in 2008 here in the US. The more one diversifies, educates and gains experience - the better.

I'm happy with work and my employer, but, you never know. Therefore I've set 2009 as the year to learn and enhance some skills. I love production editing, and motion graphics and that's where my sights are right now. Where this will lead? No idea, but, at the very least no one can take the experience and knowledge away from me.

My bank account may scream in agony for a little while, but I've always found that investing in yourself is well, a good investment.

Happy Goat, and "Fin"

Many ask, what's with the smiling goat and braces?

Just a pic that tends to personify me and my personality. Plus, it's a great item to look at when you're feeling down. I can't count how many times the silly goat pic has lifted my spirits.

Oh, and I'm back to doing my DDR'ing! Yep, time to get in some cardio exercise to burn off the holiday excess. Plus it's a great stress reliever!

By the way, for those that didn't know - "Fin" aside from being a part of some aquatic creature also means "End" in Spanish. This fancy tidbit of useless trivia was brought to you by the letters J, A and the number 6.

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