Saturday, September 26, 2009

1vs100 - Personal Trivia

Here's a personal trivia post based on my 1vs100 game play.  Some of them posted publically; the rest now known.

1) First played the game about 2 weeks after USA BETA was released. - [Played the Friday night LIVE game & was lost - but hooked after that.]

2) Did well overall on sports questions. - [Yet, I'm not a sports fan.]

3) Lifetime accuracy: 66% - [Took a dive after playing a couple of SuperHard episodes.]

4) Lifetime Streak: 22 questions. - [Could of been 23 or more, but I screwed up the "Ripley" question.]

5) Lifetime Score: Over 8 Million. - [Can I convert that to dollars?]

6) Favorite EP editions: In The News, Sci-Fi, General Trivia. - [Yet, got my 2nd highest score playing a SuperHard session. Go figure.]

7) Met @Callmepotato83 & @sourapplesmiles via twitter, yet inadvertently hooked them on the game. - [@Sourapplesmiles clearly the smartest of our group.]

8) "Team Spiffy" was born as our group would tend to "dress up" for LIVE game play. - [My avatar: Suit / tie, Sunglasses & Tennis Shoes - Nice combo, huh?]

9) Usually played w/o a mic, unless I was with my party. - [Surprised they didn't mute me.]

10) Probably the only individual that noticed (& enjoyed) the lobby/in-game music. - [Including Chris Cashman's "Age of Booty".]

11) Unofficially "jinxed" the LIVE game on Friday 8/14/09. - [I plead the 5th.]

12) @Callmepotato83 and I had the pleasure of playing with one of the game devs. - [Quite possibly my lowest game score ever that night - embarrassing.]

13) Did 2 hours of non-stop AMPing during the show's season finale. - [My "Y" thumb hasn't recovered.]

14) Answered "Centipede" for a question asking another name for "Centigrade." - [Canadian Flag colors and countless others questions fall into this category.]

15)  Didn't make it in The Mob or as The One. - [Nothing I did.  I blame the BETA code. =oP]

These last friday/saturday evenings of late have been a bit rough.  It's like tasting and savoring a piece of dessert, but just as you reach for more - it's gone.

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